Want to WOW without much work? Want to create a roasted potato that can be a star on the plate?

Here’s your perfect solution. These potatoes are effortless. 

  1. Cut new potatoes in half.

  2. Using fresh rosemary, pluck the green clusters from the stem. 

  3. Toss potatoes in some EVOO (extra virgin olive oil)

  4. Use a flat baking sheet to assemble potatoes for roasting.

  5. Sprinkle baking sheet with kosher salt.

  6. Press a cluster against the cut side of the potato and press it down on the baking sheet. 

  7. Give it an extra firm press so the rosemary grips the flesh of the potato. 

  8. Roast in an oven preheated to 380F for about 15 mins or until turning golden brown. 

NOTE: Using a double insulated baking sheet IS NOT optimal for roasting. The insulation creates air — translating to steam, this keeps the surface of the pan from getting hot enough to roast. This is great for cookies so you don’t burn the underside. Read about the differences via the baking sheet link above.



Tattooing the potatoes creates a wow-moment on the plate. Add a perfectly grilled beef filet topped with a wild funnel chanterelle sauce and blanched rabe equals a wow meal.


How about adding a big bold red wine with this dish… you know, like this award winning Lorenzi Estate Catalyst. It’s a splurge wine, but so WORTH IT!